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For tortoise, terrapin and turtle care and conservation


You can now pay for your membership using Paypal. See bottom of this page.

On joining the British Chelonia Group you will receive your membership information booklet.

  • Every two months, you will receive the BCG Newsletter. This contains husbandry, veterinary and conservation articles, contact numbers and notices of local and national meetings, news items and readers' letters. Click the link to see a copy.
  • You will hear about regional meetings all over the country where you have the chance to get involved at a local level.
  • Every year you will be sent our journal Testudo. This contains articles of scientific and general interest about Chelonia throughout the world. To see articles published in past editions click the link on the left.
  • You will receive information about our symposiums held annually at Milton Keynes and Chester, where you can hear talks by experts and have the chance to meet specialists and other keepers.
  • Becoming a member gives you the opportunity to give a home to a tortoise that needs a new owner. You can also advertise your own tortoises for re-homing or for sale (with a licence) in our Newsletter.

Click here to see a sample of the Newsletter (Requires Adobe Acrobat or some other PDF viewer.)

Testudo Cover

Every year you will be sent the journal Testudo. This contains articles of scientific and general interest about Chelonia throughout the world. To see articles published in past editions click the link on the left.

If you would like to apply for membership please click the link below. This will take you to a form which you can complete online, print and then post to the Membership Secretary

Apply for Membership

Click here for Membership Enquiries only. Any questions not relating to membership please email Enquiries.

(If paying by direct debit, please note that the British Chelonia Group has appointed the BACS Approved Direct Debit Bureau, Access Paysuite (, to collect your payments and Access Paysuite will be shown on your bank statement.)

Types of Membership 2025

The membership subscription year runs from the 1st of the month for a 12 month period after receipt of your completed and signed application form.

Types of Membership AvailableFee
1. United Kingdom
a) Individual Membership£18.00
b) Family Membership (2 adults and any children under 18)£23.00
c) Individual Contributing Membership£23.00
d) Family Contributing Membership£28.00
2. Senior Citizen (UK only)
Individual Or Couple (65 Years and Over.)
Individual Or Couple Contributing (65 Years and Over.)£20.00
3. Overseas - Please pay in Pounds Sterling only£30.00

4. Students (Animal Related Subjects only)

Proof of College/University atended and course(s) undertaken may be asked for.


Contributing Membership includes a £5 donation to The British Chelonia Group funds. This extra income will be used as grants to Tortoise, Turtle and Terrapin studies or conservation projects throughout the world, to purchase material for publication and to support other Chelonian projects as agreed by Committee. This £5 is separate from the annual appeal.

Membership Types
