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For tortoise, terrapin and turtle care and conservation


Every year, members of the British Chelonia Group receive a copy of "Testudo" as part of their membership. This journal contains  papers written on various aspects of Chelonia. Their authors are generally from a scientific or zoological background and fall into three basic categories:

  • The authors have been funded by the BCG during the previous year or two to engage in research or conservation of Chelonia. Their papers reflect the investigations carried out, and the results discovered, with the help of BCG funds.
  • The authors have lectured at either the Spring or Northern Symposium in the past year. Their papers are summaries of their talks, in depth backgrounds to the lectures given, or further work in the areas of their expertise.
  • The authors are either professional or amateur chelonia keepers with a fascinating discovery to tell, pushing back the boundaries of our understanding in the keeping, breeding and conservation of these amazing reptiles.

Over the past 40 years, quite a body of chelonian information has been featured in the TESTUDO. These pages are an attempt to give a flavour of this journal over those years.

Any views expressed in Testudo are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the Editor or the British Chelonia Group.